Contrary to stereotypes: the smallest cars of the Russian market
The car market is a reflection of consumer demands: today it is dominated by sedans and crossovers, because everyone needs cars “bigger and more difficult”. However, there is a certain…

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A simple solution: how to drive a new Nissan crossover every year
Most of the buyers of new cars are still acting “in the old manner”, buying a car on credit, and having paid it, they sell a car in three years…

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Like the Impreza, only more: is it worth buying a Subaru Forester II
Subaru is a permanent four-wheel drive, the legendary boxer engines and driving pleasure: this is the perfect image of these Japanese cars. But in practice it turns out that the…

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Stoplight: I bet you don't know everything about it?
Stoplight - two or three light bulbs on the stern of the car: it would seem, what could be simpler? However, the tricks in this seemingly elementary system suffice, as…


Good mine: Mitsubishi ASX review
Restyled Mitsubishi ASX, oddly enough, has become one of the most popular exhibits of Geneva. Whether due to the fact that the world premieres were a bit small, the German…


were distinguished by rectangular

Karapet and Mihleon: unknown Soviet experimental cars

If we are not too lazy to rummage in the yellowed Soviet books, magazines, newspapers and penetrate the depths of the archives of the domestic auto industry, we face an endless tilled virgin that hides in our depths information about numerous cars, about which even contemporaries had no idea. Continue reading

Karapet and Mihleon: unknown Soviet experimental cars
If we are not too lazy to rummage in the yellowed Soviet books, magazines, newspapers and penetrate the depths of the archives of the domestic auto industry, we face an…


5 reasons to love and hate Great Wall Safe
Great Wall Safe - from that first generation of Chinese cars in Russia, about which legends were made: they seemed to be falling apart on the move 100 meters away…
