Stoplight: I bet you don't know everything about it?
Stoplight - two or three light bulbs on the stern of the car: it would seem, what could be simpler? However, the tricks in this seemingly elementary system suffice, as…

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buy land koh phangan . Modern multimedia for Toyota makes every trip comfortable and enjoyable.
A good pont is more expensive than money: we buy a Bentley Continental GT l
If in the West this car is associated with wealth and solid age, then in our country it is perceived as a toy of major and golden youth. This stereotype…

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Five reasons to love and hate Renault Fluence
Renault Fluence has never been a hit and bestseller. There were no queues behind this model, and it was not necessary to wait for many months to receive your car…

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Arkana, Corolla, Granta Cross and others: the most anticipated Russian premieres of 2019
We have already figured out the world premieres of 2019: there will be a lot of them, and all the key ones are collected in our material. But even more…


Arkana, Corolla, Granta Cross and others: the most anticipated Russian premieres of 2019
We have already figured out the world premieres of 2019: there will be a lot of them, and all the key ones are collected in our material. But even more…


Expensive reliability: whether to buy a Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Owning a Toyota Land Cruiser these days has become a little more controversial than before: some now say, they say, directors of collective farms and honored oilmen go to Kruzak, and people with a delicate sense of beauty should not be drawn to such simplicity. But the fact that Land Cruiser is still a very profitable investment, no one has any doubts. This explains the rather big prices in the secondary market: our Avito Avto Car colleagues say that the very first copies of the “two hundred”, whose age has already exceeded 10 years, cost 1.5 million at the very bottom of the market – which means that for good option is to prepare to give 2.5 million. In this case, you can choose from cars after the first restyling – although before the first restyling, they also had something important. In general, let’s understand what you need to give that kind of money.

The Land Cruiser 200 is a true long-lived by modern standards: the current generation has been released since 2007, it has undergone two restyling during this time, and there are still no official statements about the successor. This is largely due to the class and concept of the car: a large flagship SUV of a very conservative design has its own, no less conservative audience, and therefore with the change of its generations, the Japanese never hurry. The same simplicity can partially explain the reliability, liquidity, and people’s love. And what should I look for when buying?

Traditionally, for SUVs, it’s worth starting not even with the body, but with what it is resting on: with the frame. “Dvuhsotki” is not too old, but the frame, like many other SUVs, does not have exceptional corrosion resistance, and therefore you can find copies with not just a rusty, but even a rotten frame. It will surely be rusty: at the age of three or five years rust already takes over the territory. It is especially worthwhile to inspect the back, which collects everything from under the wheels, as well as hidden cavities and welds. The frame, as we know, is a number element, and the number is knocked out here, so its corrosion is a guaranteed problem when re-registering a car. Therefore, you need to look for a car that has neither rotten spots, nor strong rust on the frame number. Given that the Land Cruiser is not a Porsche Cayenne, you can move out of the way on it, so the dirt in the cavities of the frame and the bottom should not be considered a catastrophe. But if everything is literally clogged with clay – this is a reason to think about the modes of operation of such a machine, and the condition of the frame and bottom.

Money and mind: is it worth buying a BMW X5 E70 for 1.5 million rubles
The BMW X5 is a slightly unique car precisely because everyone wants it. Even those who can not buy it or, even worse, contain. While keeping it is much more important than just buying it. And this, as we understand, …

The body of the “two hundredth” is also slightly ambiguous: in the sense that it is difficult to bring the matter to “sin”, but it is also hard to preserve the original brilliance. The body metal here is “not like before,” and doesn’t like trips through the woods between branches and trees: if you do not plant a dent, you will harbor a soft LCP. Damage to the paint is really easy – according to some owners, “it is literally scratched with a fingernail,” so regular polishing is inevitable, and scratching should not be considered as a serious drawback. “Chrome” on the back also peels off and dims, and this is also a purely cosmetic problem. But there are few rusty cars outside: let the paint and soft, but “sit” well, and the corrosion centers do not crawl away quickly.

Suspension Land Cruiser 200 – just a joy for lovers of simplicity and reliability. Here, of course, not two bridges, as in the Gelandewagen, but compared to any BMW X5, there’s nothing to break at all. No complicated shock absorbers, active suspension control systems, no adaptability, and even no “off-road” problems like openable anti-roll bars. You can even not look for air suspension: it appeared on the “dvuhsotki” in 2016, already in the third restyling, otherwise it was relied on only by the “big brother” Lexus LX 570. And for 2.5 million it is impossible to buy a two-year-old Land Cruiser so air suspension we will not. In general, everything is very simple here: an independent two-lever lever is in front, and a bridge on springs is behind. The hardest thing to find in the chassis is the Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System (KDSS), which manages the adjustment of anti-roll bars. Yes, and everything is primitive in it: two hydraulic cylinders with a common highway, which are clamped on a regular road and “relax” when increased suspension articulation is required.

Land Cruiser 200 engines are another good reason for buying: in the sense that there are simply no bad units. In Russia, however, there were not officially SUVs with the “senior” 5.7-liter 3UR-FE, which appeared after the first restyling.

JAC S4 and S7 crossovers
JAC S7 will start coming to Russia from Kazakhstan, where its assembly is already being established at the enterprise “SaryarkaAvtoProm”, and S4 will be delivered directly from China. This was…


5 reasons to love and hate Chery Amulet
Nowadays, this car can hardly be seen on the Moscow streets, but in the Russian outback they are not at all uncommon. But this is not interesting, but the range…
