Live or survive: is it worth buying Nissan Leaf
Savings, environmental friendliness or self-indulgence - perhaps these three concepts can be considered key and non-related causes pushing people to buy an electric car. Someone seriously expects to abandon expensive…

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Will live: buy a Mazda CX-5
Zoom Zoom Remember this strange slogan that accompanied the change of generations from the 300th and 600th series to the laconic 3rd and 6th? Youth, enthusiasm, drive. Only 10 years…

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Almost no crossover: whether to buy Infiniti FX II
For half a million now you can buy a Duster in the maximum configuration or another decently packed compact crossover - but there will be as much sport and aggression…

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Opel officially in Russia: start at the end of the year, three models, ambiguities with dealers
French concern PSA starts Russian sales of Opel in the fourth quarter of 2019. Entering the market three models. Opel Zafira Life and Opel Vivaro will be assembled at the…


5 reasons to love and hate Chery Amulet
Nowadays, this car can hardly be seen on the Moscow streets, but in the Russian outback they are not at all uncommon. But this is not interesting, but the range…



Five reasons to love and hate the Volvo XC70 I

This car was born at the turn of the millennium and was produced until 2008. This means that the youngest Volvo XC70 with the P2 index is ten years old. Considerable age by automotive standards, and this model has never been mass. And yet, in the stream, no, no, and the first generation Swedish off-road shed flashes. Continue reading

Both frame and sport: is it worth buying a Mitsubishi Pajero Sport II

Born as a simpler and cheaper alternative to the flagship Pajero, the SUV on the frame of the L200 pickup even got the same name – Pajero, but with the prefix Sport. What is sports in the frame all-wheel drive, how does it attract the audience, and is it worth thinking about buying this instead of the new “budget sedan”? Our colleagues from Avito Auto say that this Mitsubishi reluctantly loses in value, and without 800 thousand you can even not be approached. Continue reading

Five reasons to love and hate Chevrolet Orlando

He looks like a crossover, capacious and, with the exception of a pair of generic diseases, reliable. But at the same time, he categorically “does not go” either on asphalt or on a primer, is doubtfully trimmed inside, no less doubtfully painted on the outside … What about owners’ attitude to Chevrolet Orlando more than hatred or love? Let’s try to figure it out. Continue reading

For small business and family affairs: all light vans of the Russian market
A lot of materials are devoted to the selection of new cars for themselves and their families. Today, we will find out which options remain on the market for those…


The hype, but not ours? A review of the new Peugeot 208
The information wave, which has risen today in Russia about the future return of Opel, has revived interest in Peugeot products, especially since from now on, it is French technologies…
