Nissan on the background of the new Qashqai: Murano will live, Juke goes away forever, vagueness on SPIC
At the launch of the production of the updated Nissan Qashqai, which arrived in Russia with a big delay, we talked to the key managers of Nissan in Russia. Igor…

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Why did the Volkswagen Polo become popular in car sharing?
Who and how chooses cars for car sharing? Why did the Volkswagen Polo gain widespread popularity in this market segment? How does Major Auto holding win 70% of sales in…

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Seven places without overpayment: the cheapest seven-seater cars
We recently found out what options there are for those who want to get a seven-seater crossover for minimal money - and even though there is a cheaper option for…

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Live or survive: is it worth buying Nissan Leaf
Savings, environmental friendliness or self-indulgence - perhaps these three concepts can be considered key and non-related causes pushing people to buy an electric car. Someone seriously expects to abandon expensive…


Five reasons to love and hate Chevrolet Orlando
He looks like a crossover, capacious and, with the exception of a pair of generic diseases, reliable. But at the same time, he categorically “does not go” either on asphalt…


head will be on the headrest

Contrary to stereotypes: the smallest cars of the Russian market

The car market is a reflection of consumer demands: today it is dominated by sedans and crossovers, because everyone needs cars “bigger and more difficult”. However, there is a certain consumer audience, the tastes of which are radically different: for the money available, they are looking primarily for a compact machine. What options does today’s market offer them? Continue reading

With a statute of limitations: a review of Skoda Kamiq

The number of speculations on the topic of the start of Russian sales of Skoda Kamiq in the last two days just rolls over. Obviously, this B-Class front-wheel-drive crossover, which has so far been tested only on Chinese buyers, is of such interest in our country that journalists are not averse to warm their hands on the trust of Russian readers. Continue reading

Not cheap, but angry: review and video of Skoda Scala

Unlike its platform platform relative, Skoda Kamiq, another 2019 Geneva premiere, the Skoda Scala hatchback, will definitely not appear in Russia – at least in the foreseeable future. It remains for us to envy and wait until we finally become part of Europe, at least by car. Continue reading

Almost no overpayment: new convertibles out of the luxury tax
A convertible, especially a new one, cannot be called a pragmatic purchase - it is in any case a toy. However, the so-called luxury tax does not want to pay…


The Future is Yesterday: Audi Q4 e-tron concept review and video
At the Geneva Motor Show, we were not able to clarify with Audi technicians what the cost per kilowatt-hour of the high-voltage Audi Q4 e-tron battery is, how many years…
