Both frame and sport: is it worth buying a Mitsubishi Pajero Sport II
Born as a simpler and cheaper alternative to the flagship Pajero, the SUV on the frame of the L200 pickup even got the same name - Pajero, but with the…

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Racing Gear
Like the Impreza, only more: is it worth buying a Subaru Forester II
Subaru is a permanent four-wheel drive, the legendary boxer engines and driving pleasure: this is the perfect image of these Japanese cars. But in practice it turns out that the…

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Almost no overpayment: new convertibles out of the luxury tax
A convertible, especially a new one, cannot be called a pragmatic purchase - it is in any case a toy. However, the so-called luxury tax does not want to pay…

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Like the Impreza, only more: is it worth buying a Subaru Forester II
Subaru is a permanent four-wheel drive, the legendary boxer engines and driving pleasure: this is the perfect image of these Japanese cars. But in practice it turns out that the…


Almost broken stereotypes: buy Chery Tiggo
Personally, I do not have a special love for products from the Middle Kingdom. And in this respect, not alone. Steady stereotypes about Chinese cars can be found in automotive…


well-known categorical attitude

Five reasons to love and hate Renault Fluence

Renault Fluence has never been a hit and bestseller. There were no queues behind this model, and it was not necessary to wait for many months to receive your car in the cabin. And yet, at a certain period, this car was very popular. First of all, because it can be called a radical embodiment of the concept of “a lot of car for modest money.” Continue reading

5 reasons to love and hate Jeep Grand Cherokee II WJ

“Big wide jeep”, “Big Indian”, “Great Che”, “Giant teal” … We associate this name with crimson jackets, “Gold with a gymnast”, showdowns and generally “roaring nineties”. But all of this applies, rather, to the first generation of the world bestseller with the index ZJ. The life of the second, WJ and WG, fell on a quieter period of “becoming stable. Continue reading

5 reasons to love and hate Jeep Grand Cherokee II WJ
“Big wide jeep”, “Big Indian”, “Great Che”, “Giant teal” ... We associate this name with crimson jackets, “Gold with a gymnast”, showdowns and generally “roaring nineties”. But all of this…


Do not avoid, but delay: is it worth buying a Volkswagen Passat B6
Volkswagen Passat is a sort of “classic of choice” model in the D-class: many people want to get “real German quality, proven over the years,” and the confident reputation of…
