A good pont is more expensive than money: we buy a Bentley Continental GT l
If in the West this car is associated with wealth and solid age, then in our country it is perceived as a toy of major and golden youth. This stereotype…

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5 reasons to love and hate Chery Amulet
Nowadays, this car can hardly be seen on the Moscow streets, but in the Russian outback they are not at all uncommon. But this is not interesting, but the range…

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Seven places without overpayment: the cheapest seven-seater cars
We recently found out what options there are for those who want to get a seven-seater crossover for minimal money - and even though there is a cheaper option for…

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5 reasons to love and hate Chery Amulet
Nowadays, this car can hardly be seen on the Moscow streets, but in the Russian outback they are not at all uncommon. But this is not interesting, but the range…


Turn, turn, police turn: the most unexpected test of the new Camry
So, the time has come. We have already figured out how to properly sit behind the wheel, to be ready for any road surprises, and remembered the basics of the…


plate lamp

Paint and sell: buy a Toyota Camry XV40
Of course, everyone knows that in the world there is only one brand, whose cars never break. True, the symbol of success and prosperity in recent years has faded a…


Arkana, Corolla, Granta Cross and others: the most anticipated Russian premieres of 2019
We have already figured out the world premieres of 2019: there will be a lot of them, and all the key ones are collected in our material. But even more…
