Contrary to stereotypes: the smallest cars of the Russian market
The car market is a reflection of consumer demands: today it is dominated by sedans and crossovers, because everyone needs cars “bigger and more difficult”. However, there is a certain…

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In search of lost sportiness: whether to buy a Honda Accord VIII
Honda Accord in the seventh generation has earned the image of a stylish and interesting car, as well as a claim to dynamism. The eighth generation added the status of…

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Stoplight: I bet you don't know everything about it?
Stoplight - two or three light bulbs on the stern of the car: it would seem, what could be simpler? However, the tricks in this seemingly elementary system suffice, as…

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Search and not give up: buy Volkswagen Jetta VI
The Jetta in Russia has a difficult fate: not only is the Foci and Cerate destroying it in class C, but also the native concern has produced competitors - for…


Both frame and sport: is it worth buying a Mitsubishi Pajero Sport II
Born as a simpler and cheaper alternative to the flagship Pajero, the SUV on the frame of the L200 pickup even got the same name - Pajero, but with the…


starting point for the work

5 reasons to love and hate Kia Soul I

Cubic shapes are definitely stylish. And also very loud at speed and dirty in the offseason. The salon is both spacious and not practical at all. The first-generation soul soul is literally woven out of contradictions: we’ll figure it out today. Continue reading

5 reasons to love and hate Chery Amulet
Nowadays, this car can hardly be seen on the Moscow streets, but in the Russian outback they are not at all uncommon. But this is not interesting, but the range…


So that the car does not burn: how to disconnect the mass
A sudden car fire is, fortunately, not too frequent, but it is quite common enough to cause serious phobias in many drivers. Especially those who at least once in their…
