Almost no overpayment: new convertibles out of the luxury tax
A convertible, especially a new one, cannot be called a pragmatic purchase - it is in any case a toy. However, the so-called luxury tax does not want to pay…

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5 reasons to love and hate the Ford C-MAX
Let us leave scholastic debates to specialists about who first decided that minivans can be made on the basis of compact models of the C segment - the French, the…

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Dead end: why GAZ-3111 did not become a mass car
Already in the late eighties, a few years before the official “demise” of the USSR, each fundamentally new model was given to Soviet automobile plants with great difficulty. The exception…

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Why did the Volkswagen Polo become popular in car sharing?
Who and how chooses cars for car sharing? Why did the Volkswagen Polo gain widespread popularity in this market segment? How does Major Auto holding win 70% of sales in…


Search and not give up: buy Volkswagen Jetta VI
The Jetta in Russia has a difficult fate: not only is the Foci and Cerate destroying it in class C, but also the native concern has produced competitors - for…



Contrary to stereotypes: the smallest cars of the Russian market

The car market is a reflection of consumer demands: today it is dominated by sedans and crossovers, because everyone needs cars “bigger and more difficult”. However, there is a certain consumer audience, the tastes of which are radically different: for the money available, they are looking primarily for a compact machine. What options does today’s market offer them? Continue reading

5 reasons to love and hate the Opel Mokka
Attitude to the Opel brand has always been ambiguous. On the one hand, it’s still “German”, and the German car industry should be treated with respect. And on the other…


Design from Zagato, Japanese salon and someone else's index: myths and facts about the VAZ-2110
Among the many models with a difficult fate, developed in Soviet times, the "pregnant antelope" stands alone. After all, the “ten” was for many the long-awaited model of the VAZ,…
