Five reasons to love and hate Renault Fluence
Renault Fluence has never been a hit and bestseller. There were no queues behind this model, and it was not necessary to wait for many months to receive your car…

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5 reasons to love and hate Great Wall Safe
Great Wall Safe - from that first generation of Chinese cars in Russia, about which legends were made: they seemed to be falling apart on the move 100 meters away…

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Five reasons to love and hate Chevrolet Orlando
He looks like a crossover, capacious and, with the exception of a pair of generic diseases, reliable. But at the same time, he categorically “does not go” either on asphalt…

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Like the Impreza, only more: is it worth buying a Subaru Forester II
Subaru is a permanent four-wheel drive, the legendary boxer engines and driving pleasure: this is the perfect image of these Japanese cars. But in practice it turns out that the…


5 reasons to love and hate Great Wall Safe
Great Wall Safe - from that first generation of Chinese cars in Russia, about which legends were made: they seemed to be falling apart on the move 100 meters away…


United States began

Live or survive: is it worth buying Nissan Leaf

Savings, environmental friendliness or self-indulgence – perhaps these three concepts can be considered key and non-related causes pushing people to buy an electric car. Someone seriously expects to abandon expensive gasoline, someone, abandoning meat and fur, continues to fight for the preservation of the environment, and someone just wants to try to play with new technologies. Continue reading

Search and not give up: buy Volkswagen Jetta VI
The Jetta in Russia has a difficult fate: not only is the Foci and Cerate destroying it in class C, but also the native concern has produced competitors - for…


Instead of a Patriot: Is it worth buying Great Wall Hover
Seven-ten years ago, one of the main dilemmas for those who were going to buy a new frame SUV for minimal money was the choice between the UAZ Patriot and…
