Chery begins assembling cars on the "Autotor"
This information in private conversations of the editors was reported by several sources at the Kaliningrad enterprise and at the Russian representative office of the Chinese company Chery Automobile…

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Karapet and Mihleon: unknown Soviet experimental cars
If we are not too lazy to rummage in the yellowed Soviet books, magazines, newspapers and penetrate the depths of the archives of the domestic auto industry, we face an…

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So that the car does not burn: how to disconnect the mass
A sudden car fire is, fortunately, not too frequent, but it is quite common enough to cause serious phobias in many drivers. Especially those who at least once in their…

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Almost no overpayment: new convertibles out of the luxury tax
A convertible, especially a new one, cannot be called a pragmatic purchase - it is in any case a toy. However, the so-called luxury tax does not want to pay…


Search and not give up: buy Volkswagen Jetta VI
The Jetta in Russia has a difficult fate: not only is the Foci and Cerate destroying it in class C, but also the native concern has produced competitors - for…


worth laying a significantly

Like the Impreza, only more: is it worth buying a Subaru Forester II

Subaru is a permanent four-wheel drive, the legendary boxer engines and driving pleasure: this is the perfect image of these Japanese cars. But in practice it turns out that the four-wheel drive is not always so permanent, and the engines over the years of their existence have not got rid of some specific features. And there are also rumors that to replace the spark plugs, you need to remove the engine … Continue reading

Design from Zagato, Japanese salon and someone else's index: myths and facts about the VAZ-2110
Among the many models with a difficult fate, developed in Soviet times, the "pregnant antelope" stands alone. After all, the “ten” was for many the long-awaited model of the VAZ,…


Instead of a Patriot: Is it worth buying Great Wall Hover
Seven-ten years ago, one of the main dilemmas for those who were going to buy a new frame SUV for minimal money was the choice between the UAZ Patriot and…
