Both frame and sport: is it worth buying a Mitsubishi Pajero Sport II
Born as a simpler and cheaper alternative to the flagship Pajero, the SUV on the frame of the L200 pickup even got the same name - Pajero, but with the…

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Like the Impreza, only more: is it worth buying a Subaru Forester II
Subaru is a permanent four-wheel drive, the legendary boxer engines and driving pleasure: this is the perfect image of these Japanese cars. But in practice it turns out that the…

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Instead of a Patriot: Is it worth buying Great Wall Hover
Seven-ten years ago, one of the main dilemmas for those who were going to buy a new frame SUV for minimal money was the choice between the UAZ Patriot and…

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So that the car does not burn: how to disconnect the mass
A sudden car fire is, fortunately, not too frequent, but it is quite common enough to cause serious phobias in many drivers. Especially those who at least once in their…


A simple solution: how to drive a new Nissan crossover every year
Most of the buyers of new cars are still acting “in the old manner”, buying a car on credit, and having paid it, they sell a car in three years…


them burned out

The hype, but not ours? A review of the new Peugeot 208
The information wave, which has risen today in Russia about the future return of Opel, has revived interest in Peugeot products, especially since from now on, it is French technologies…


Stoplight: I bet you don't know everything about it?
Stoplight - two or three light bulbs on the stern of the car: it would seem, what could be simpler? However, the tricks in this seemingly elementary system suffice, as…
