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Almost no overpayment: new convertibles out of the luxury tax
A convertible, especially a new one, cannot be called a pragmatic purchase – it is in any case a toy. However, the so-called luxury tax does not want to pay everyone, so today we choose convertibles, which you can own without overpaying – or almost without it. Briefly understand taxation and see how much money you need to cook. Continue reading
Live or survive: is it worth buying Nissan Leaf
Savings, environmental friendliness or self-indulgence – perhaps these three concepts can be considered key and non-related causes pushing people to buy an electric car. Someone seriously expects to abandon expensive gasoline, someone, abandoning meat and fur, continues to fight for the preservation of the environment, and someone just wants to try to play with new technologies. Continue reading
With a statute of limitations: a review of Skoda Kamiq
The number of speculations on the topic of the start of Russian sales of Skoda Kamiq in the last two days just rolls over. Obviously, this B-Class front-wheel-drive crossover, which has so far been tested only on Chinese buyers, is of such interest in our country that journalists are not averse to warm their hands on the trust of Russian readers. Continue reading