Instead of a Patriot: Is it worth buying Great Wall Hover
Seven-ten years ago, one of the main dilemmas for those who were going to buy a new frame SUV for minimal money was the choice between the UAZ Patriot and…

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Turn, turn, police turn: the most unexpected test of the new Camry
So, the time has come. We have already figured out how to properly sit behind the wheel, to be ready for any road surprises, and remembered the basics of the…

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Five reasons to love and hate Chevrolet Orlando
He looks like a crossover, capacious and, with the exception of a pair of generic diseases, reliable. But at the same time, he categorically “does not go” either on asphalt…

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Expensive reliability: whether to buy a Toyota Land Cruiser 200
Owning a Toyota Land Cruiser these days has become a little more controversial than before: some now say, they say, directors of collective farms and honored oilmen go to Kruzak,…


Almost no crossover: whether to buy Infiniti FX II
For half a million now you can buy a Duster in the maximum configuration or another decently packed compact crossover - but there will be as much sport and aggression…


passed some tests before

Motors Aurus

Our previous material on the “economy” of the “Cortege” project (Aurus) caused a lot of complaints, for the most part – the following property: they say, the editors raised many questions, but there are almost no answers. Alas! What can we do if several of our attempts to get comments or interviews with NAMI engineers have come to naught. Continue reading

Five reasons to love and hate Renault Fluence
Renault Fluence has never been a hit and bestseller. There were no queues behind this model, and it was not necessary to wait for many months to receive your car…


Almost no overpayment: new convertibles out of the luxury tax
A convertible, especially a new one, cannot be called a pragmatic purchase - it is in any case a toy. However, the so-called luxury tax does not want to pay…
