Almost no overpayment: new convertibles out of the luxury tax
A convertible, especially a new one, cannot be called a pragmatic purchase - it is in any case a toy. However, the so-called luxury tax does not want to pay…

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Design from Zagato, Japanese salon and someone else's index: myths and facts about the VAZ-2110
Among the many models with a difficult fate, developed in Soviet times, the "pregnant antelope" stands alone. After all, the “ten” was for many the long-awaited model of the VAZ,…

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5 reasons to love and hate the Opel Mokka
Attitude to the Opel brand has always been ambiguous. On the one hand, it’s still “German”, and the German car industry should be treated with respect. And on the other…

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Seven places without overpayment: the cheapest seven-seater cars
We recently found out what options there are for those who want to get a seven-seater crossover for minimal money - and even though there is a cheaper option for…


Five reasons to love and hate Chevrolet Orlando
He looks like a crossover, capacious and, with the exception of a pair of generic diseases, reliable. But at the same time, he categorically “does not go” either on asphalt…


r expenses

Yuta Takahashi, Suzuki: “We will begin to discuss with engineers the adaptation of Ignis for Russia”

We are talking about the 10-year warranty on Vitara, the disappointing results of the new Jimny in Euro NCAP, the prospects of Suzuki Crossby and Lapin in the Russian market and the supply of the Futur-S crossover to Russia from India with the general director of Suzuki Rus. Continue reading

So that the car does not burn: how to disconnect the mass
A sudden car fire is, fortunately, not too frequent, but it is quite common enough to cause serious phobias in many drivers. Especially those who at least once in their…


Yuta Takahashi, Suzuki: “We will begin to discuss with engineers the adaptation of Ignis for Russia”
We are talking about the 10-year warranty on Vitara, the disappointing results of the new Jimny in Euro NCAP, the prospects of Suzuki Crossby and Lapin in the Russian market…
